Ladies, Let Your Courage Do the Talking

Speaking with courage can actually make a big difference in how we move forward and make progress at work and in our careers.

Ladies, Let Your Courage Do the Talking

Dear ladies, you know those times when our words come from a place of uncertainty, using phrases like “should,” “would,” and “could”? I see this a lot with my female coaching clients, especially when they’re talking about what they really want or negotiating things like terms and conditions.

Well, there’s another way – a courageous way! Speaking with courage can actually make a big difference in how we move forward and make progress at work and in our careers.

Speaking with courage isn’t always easy. Doubts, fears, and expectations often show up. We might worry that our opinions don’t matter or that our ideas won’t get noticed. But guess what? Just realising these thoughts is the very first move to getting rid of them.

Let’s change things up! Instead of asking “should I give it a try?” let’s boldly say, “I’m ready to take on this challenge because…” When we bring courage to the table, we’re opening doors to many exciting possibilities.

Now, let’s jump into the world of negotiations – whether it’s about our salary, benefits, asking for a promotion  or anything else. Instead of asking timidly with “could you maybe…,” let’s stand strong and say, “I’m confident that my skills deserve fair recognition.”

What else? Well  there are many other ways where we can let our courage do the talking such as:

Sharing bold ideas: swap “I think we might try…” for “I have a daring idea that could lead to…”

Networking with confidence: At events, let’s make ourselves stand out. Say, “I’m excited to connect and see how we can work together.”

Owning our success stories: E.g. during performance reviews, let’s not downplay our successes. Confidently say, “I’ve made significant contributions, like…”

When we speak with courage, we enable ourselves to break barriers. Sure, it might feel a bit nerve-wracking, but this is how we grow our courage muscles and  reach our desired growth and progress.

So remember this: your courage is a superpower. Your voice? It’s stronger than you might think.

Ladies, it’s time to let your courage take the lead!

#courage #careersuccess #speakup #careerforward #courageforward #couragecoaching #careercoaching #executivecoacing #outplacement

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