“Courage grows in proportion to the fire in your belly.”

Hearing the quote for the first time, I literally imagined that fire in my belly and how it connects with my courage to grow.

“Courage grows in proportion to the fire in your belly.”

Hearing the quote for the first time, I literally imagined that fire in my belly and how it connects with my courage to grow. Reflecting on how I usually mobilise my own courage, this is exactly what happens: some kind of inner fire really starts to light up. At the beginning, it may be small with small flames, but over time, connected with my desire and inner wish to make things happen and my urge to become that version of myself, it activates my courage more and more and gives me the power to act.

So how does your courage grow with the fire in your belly, especially when building your professional future? For me, it’s about feeling driven, energetic, and taking the lead. It’s about being passionate and wanting to achieve something so much that fear and uncertainty don’t stand a chance.

When we feel that fire in our belly and use it to nurture our courage, amazing things can happen. The fire grows, leading to bigger courageous actions. That’s when dreams become reality, hidden potentials come to the front, and miracles can happen. Creativity, success, fulfilment, satisfaction, and happiness all show up.

Using that inner fire makes us stronger and better able to handle challenges and bounce back from setbacks. That inner fire helps us make bold choices and take decisions courageously that lead to progress and new ideas and creating new opportunities for ourselves. This inner fire and courage-driven approach leads to personal and professional growth and achieving long-term goals.

How about you? When was the last time you felt the fire in your belly, mobilized your courage, and achieved something extraordinary?

And what about now? Are you feeling the fire in your belly and waiting for the right moment?

Well, I can only say, go and use that fire before it goes out. Use that fire, breathe, give it more room to get bigger and connect with your courage and make it happen.

Imagine some years from now, looking back, if you didn’t, what regrets would you have about not using that fire? Take the courage to…

#courage #innerdrive #innercourage #courageforward #careerforward #careercoaching #executivecoaching

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