Courage Talk with Stephanie Bischof 

I am very happy to share my Courage Talk with Stephanie Bischof with you.

Courage Talk with Stephanie Bischof

Stephanie is the Managing Director of Airfix, a business in the newly emerging carbon removal industry focused on biogenic carbon removal and storage (BiCRS) in Switzerland, and Europe.

Driven by her strong passion for climate action, Stephanie’s ‘climate journey’ started in early summer 2021. After having worked on the corporate side for many years, she decided to change to the climate side.

Her story is a great example for courage, determination and achievement in an amazingly short time. “Personal climate journey is not only exciting, but also a way to understand how change processes can work and how fast they can be.”

If you want to know more about Stephanie or get in touch with her, the easiest way is via LinkedIn: Link 

It is a pleasure to share with you my talk with Stephanie today. In this talk you will find the answers to the questions below and a lot more insights:

How did she perceive her climate journey?

How much of a role has her courage played in achieving her goal?

What is her advice for all those people who also want to move forward in a totally different direction professionally?

How did she build network in a new industry?

In which ways does her current role as Managing Director of Airfix require courage? How does she mobilise this courage?

What does the future hold for Stephanie? Will she have to mobilise more courage to achieve that?

What is the mission of Airfix?

In which ways can each and every one of us act responsibly and contribute to the climate action?

Let yourself be inspired. What does courage mean to you? How could courage enable you to take the lead and advance your work and career? Which ‘climate journey’ could you start with a bit of more courage, determination and confidence?

Take the courage to move forward. If you are not sure how to do so, then let’s talk: Contact

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