How old are your fears?

Fear can indeed hold us back from moving forward in our careers or making choices that would bring us different level of success, fulfilment and happiness.

How old are your fears?

Fear is an emotion that aims to protect us from dangers and is closely tied to risk and uncertainty. It’s the opposite of courage.

While some fears make sense, many others don’t. I often help clients figure out their fears and feel more certain and ready to act. We look into where these fears come from and how long they’ve been around.

Thinking about how old our fears are can really make us stop and think. It makes us realise how our fears might have stopped us from going after e.g. careers we really wanted or achieving other levels of success and happiness. Fears often hang out in our comfort zones, where everything feels familiar and safe.

Our comfort zones are like cosy bubbles where we feel comfortable and relaxed. They include the things we do every day, our habits, and the places we’re used to. But staying in our comfort zones too long can make us too comfortable. It stops us from trying new things or taking risks, even if it means missing out on great opportunities.

But if we’re brave and face our fears, we can step into a zone where we can grow and learn. This courage zone lets us face challenges, take risks, and go beyond what feels safe. It means accepting that things might be tough or uncertain sometimes, but it’s worth it to reach our goals.

Courage doesn’t mean we’re never afraid. It means we do things even when we’re scared. It’s about recognising our fears but not letting them control us. Courage helps us set goals, push ourselves, and go after them with strength and determination.

Understanding our fears and how they affect us is really important. Fear can keep us stuck and stop us from reaching our full potential. But if we face our fears and find courage, we can break out of our comfort zones and discover new opportunities for growth and success.

Take some time to think about your fears, especially when it comes to your career goals. Recognize them, think about how long they’ve been around, and consider how they might have held you back. And

If you’re unsure about how to boost your courage and deal with your fears: let’s talk.

#courage #courageforward #careersuccess #careerforward #couragecoaching #careercoaching

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